OAQHE Newsletter


March 2021

Editorial Message

Editorial Board Member
Ms Balqees ALMandhari 
Al-Masanaa College of Technology

Dear Readers

We are happy to present the March issue of the newsletter, our first edition for 2021. This edition continues in translating s the mission of OAQHE by enhancing quality within higher education institutes.  It presents the latest activities of the association in addition to highlighting five articles that share the latest ideas, and good practices. This edition kicks us off with an article about “Engaging stakeholders to improve the quality of higher education programme outcomes”.  

Paulo Coelho‎ once said, “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”. Storms are destructive; however, they can bring with them positive changes as well. It is your decision whether to choose to sink or to start building new beginnings.  As educators, if we view the “storm” as a metaphor for the covid `9 pandemics then we must brainstorm all the lessons learnt from this experience. In this edition, we will encounter this positivity while reading two articles that advocate the use of blended learning and teaching in the post-pandemic. The two writers believe that blended learning can serve as a lifelong learning skill for our students.  

Later in this edition, we have an article about “Problem-based learning to enhance writing” until we conclude with an article about “Academic institute  accreditation and addressing the recommendations received earlier “ 

A huge thank you to all the educators who contributed to writing the articles. 

OAQHE  Newsletter values your contribution and looks forward to your support in the coming issue.

Happy Reading 

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Engaging Stakeholders to Improve the Quality of Higher Education Program Outcomes

  • Prof. Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj

  • Head, Quality Assurance Unit.

  • College of Pharmacy, 

  • National University of Science and Technology, Sultanate of Oman.

  • mullaicharam@nu.edu.om

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Recent Paradigm shift to Online Learning –   A Challenge and an Opportunity to work on a comprehensive Quality Management System.

  • Dr. Syed Ziaur Rahman

  • University of Technology and Applied Sciences

  • Faculty – Department of Information Technology and QA Expert

  •  Ibri College of Applied Sciences Campus,

  • Sultanate of Oman.

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Problem Based Learning:  Conduit to Enhancing the Skill in Writing.

  • Jonald S. Cayabyab

  • Oman College of Management and Technology

  • GFP Lecturer.

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  • Mr. Saji Uthuppan ,

  • lecturer of English, working  in OCHS (OMAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES), a member of Quality Assurance in OCHS.
    This article was publishes here

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Mental Health and Wellbeing in HEIs during and after COVID-19 Pandemic .

  • Holi Ibrahim Holi Ali, PhD

  • University of Technology & Applied Sciences, Al Rustaq

  • Department of English Language & Literature (ELL)

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Future of Blended Learning in the Education System.

  • Piyush Dua

  • College of Applied Sciences- Suhar,

  • Parmal Singh Solanki 

  • University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman

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المؤسسات الأكاديمية بين طموح الاعتماد وواقع توصيات الهيئة

أ.ثريا بنت محمد المعمري 

رئيس قسم ضمان الجودة 

جامعة التقنية والعوم التطبيقة- كلية عبري