Chair's Message
Message from the Chair 2022-2024
Ms Nabila Al Macki, Chair of Board of Directors
Nabila Al Macki, Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) at Majan University College, Muscat, earned her MBA (Financial Management) from the University of Hull, UK. In 2018 she became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). She has a rich teaching experience, particularly in the areas of Finance, Accounting, Human Resource Management, and Leadership, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research interests include curriculum development, teaching and learning process, assessment strategies, leadership skills and professional development. Additionally, she supervised undergraduate projects at Majan University College.
Ms. Nabila has acquired extensive knowledge of quality assurance procedures of Higher Education systems in Oman and the UK. Her expertise is evident in the preparation of programme validation documentation, institutional reviews and annual evaluation of academic programmes and quality audits. She has also chaired Examination Boards. Her acquaintance with the practices of HEI’s in Oman and effective collaboration with senior managers at the University of Bedfordshire has further enhanced her managerial skills.
Ms Nabila is a member of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation register of subject specialists for academic programme licensing in Oman. She is also an external reviewer with the Oman Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education.
The Oman Association for Quality Higher Education (OAQHE) since its inception in 2018 has had at its core the promotion and sharing of good practices and promotion of quality culture across all facets of quality in higher education. This ideal which sprang from the Oman Quality Network is strengthening in its vision, mission and core values of transparency, diversity, professional ethics, collaboration and social responsibility.
In furtherance of this, the 2023 -2027 strategic plan with its goal of embedding quality culture, ensuring the association’s sustainability and external relations, no doubt is set in the right direction towards realising Oman’s Vision 2040; tapping into its educational strategy, the MoHERI strategic plans; as well as engagement with key internal and external bodies.
It is my vision that, alongside its primary task, the Board of the OAQHE must achieve absolute consistency in its strides towards achieving its objectives. These include technical support for workforce, sustainability of activities, peer quality association interaction, and collaborative platforms between HEI’s nationally and internationally. Through its strategic and operational plans, the OAQHE must uphold and drive the provision and enhancement of a quality-driven higher education sector in Oman.
We call on the collaborative effort and support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, alongside the 2040 national education strategy, in building a formidable and rich quality ethos guided by the National Framework for Education. The OAQHE must be steadfast in pursuit of its objectives, keeping always in mind the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and striving for high quality Education.
I welcome on board all stakeholders, public and private, to participate and support the Association in all its Quality Assurance and enhancement endeavours.
Nabila Al Macki

Message from the Chair 2020-2022
Prof Dr Taqi Al-Abdawani, Chairman of Board of Directors
- Professorship, International University of Vienna
- PhD University of Reading, UK
- Master, University of Lincoln, UK
- CMA, The Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia
- ISO 9001:2008 Internal Auditor
- External programme reviewer of Association of Arab Universities
- External programme reviewer of Ministry of Higher Education, Oman
- External reviewer of Oman Academic Accreditation Authority
On 8th May 2018, the higher education sector in Oman celebrated the launch of OAQHE under the patronage of HE Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Al Sarmi, Undersecretary, Ministry of Higher Education.
On behalf of Oman Association for Quality in Higher Education (OAQHE) board members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Education Council, Ministry of Higher Education, Research Council and Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA) for their continuous support to enhance the higher education sector in Oman. I would like thank also the individuals who served the higher education when the association was still a network. The activity of the network started in 2008.
The focus area of the association is to share good practices through conferences, workshops, forums and symposiums. The members are entitled to attend all the activities of the association free of charge. Four (4) members from the universities and two (2) members from colleges. The membership is also open for the individuals who would like to contribute to the higher education sector in Oman.
The objectives of the association can be summarised as follows:-
1. Establish culture of quality in Higher Education by supporting the initiatives and the activities and enhancing the quality
2. Contributing in providing technical support and training programme for the workforce of higher education institution
3. Work towards enhancing the association activities for sustainability
4. Enhance relationship with other similar associations nationally, regionally and internationally
5. Provide a platform of Coordination between higher education institutions in Oman and other higher education authorities locally, regionally and internationally through sharing good practices and activities which might enhance the performance of Quality assurance. This to be within the scope of the OAQHE
In the year 2018, the association conducted five (5) activities which includes 2 workshops. In 2019, conducted 4 activities which includes 2 workshops. For 2020, the plan is to conduct 5 activities including 4 workshops plus 1 conference either will be conducted at the end of year 2020 or first quarter of 2021.
The association formed 2 permanent committees;
1. Corporate Identity, Media and Communication Committee
2. Events planning and management Committee
Each committee has operational plan and a target to meet. The board of directors also reviewed and approved its strategic and operational plan, a platform for the vision, mission strategies and the focus area of the association.
I would like to encourage all higher education institutions both government and private to become members and support the activities of the association. The higher education sector in Oman has long journey to travel and sharing good practices will make the journey easier to everyone.
Taqi Al Abdwani